Teams FAQ

Teams FAQ

Q - If I get migrated to Teams, will have I to use my personal device?

A – No, Teams will function as your phone for inbound and outbound calling.

Q - I was recently migrated to Teams, where is my dial pad?

A – You can locate the dial pad by clicking on the Calls Icon (left hand side) and lower left you will see your dial pad. It may take up to 24 hours (in some cases longer) to get your dial pad on the client. To check if you have the dial pad, please go to the web client, login with your Wartburg email and password. If you have the dial pad on the web client, you will have it on Team’s client. You can locate the dial pad by clicking on the Calls Icon (left hand side) and lower left you will see your dial pad. You may have to logout of the desktop.

Q – I have a dial pad in the web client, but not on my desktop app.

A – Sign out of the Teams desktop app and sign back in.

Q – Calls go directly to my voicemail from callers who are on Teams.

A - In order to receive calls from someone on campus who has been migrated to Teams, you must run the Teams software on your computer. If it is not installed, go to or contact the techline staff.

Q – Can I continue to use my current handset (desk phone)?

A – Current handsets are not compatible with Teams and will be removed. We are taking a strategic position on moving forward by eliminating as many physical handsets as possible. ITS will be providing free USB wired headsets for anyone by request.

Wireless headsets can be purchased through ITS for $210.00.

ITS has purchased new handsets to work with the new system for all common areas and shared phone locations. However, general faculty and staff offices will not be receiving a free handset. If you have a need to get a handset, please provide a justification to your VP for approval. If approved, ITS will charge the department $290.00 for the unit.

Please use the following link to request a headset or handset (if approved): Telephony Request Form

If you are concerned if your handset is on this list to replace or have other questions on this project, please email Loni directly at

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