AppGetTree issues related to Chrome version 114

Recently Google made a change to the Chrome browser that impacts components used by Perceptive Content's LearnMode method AppGetTree. The changes in Chrome are impacting the way that data is made available to applications that are able to query Chrome from data. This change is noted as a defect by Google and will be addressed in an upcoming release. The version of Chrome that introduced this change is 114.x, unfortunately Chrome is self-updating and could possibly load a new version on a users machine without intervention needed leaving some users with the issue and other without.

While we wait for this issue to be patched by the Chrome team there is a workaround that has been put in place to allow for the disabling of the changes that are impacting LearnMode and to allow for normal usage of the method.

If you have any users that seeing an issue of no data being returned or screens being found with Chrome and AppGetTree it's possible to disable the Chrome changes that are the culprit by launching Chrome with the following flag:


To enable the flag you need to add the value to the Chrome application shortcut. This can be done by right-clicking on the Chrome application shortcut and selecting Properties. In the Target field you will see a path to chrome.exe. You will want to add the flag after a space to the end of this string.

ex: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disablefeatures=AccessibilityRestrictiveIA2AXModes

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After adding the flag to Chrome you will need to restart Chrome by launching it from this shortcut.

We will continue to monitor the issue and will update this posting when a patch is available to address. If you have any other issues or need assistance please contact Hyland global support or open a support case through Community.

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Article ID: 5466
Mon 6/12/23 7:26 AM
Mon 6/12/23 7:27 AM