Open Rubrics
In Course Navigation, click the Rubrics link.
View Rubrics
In the Manage Rubrics page, you can view all existing rubrics in your course.
Add Rubric
To add a rubric, click the Add Rubric button.
View Rubric
To view an individual rubric, click the name of the rubric.
Edit Rubric
To edit the rubric, click the Edit Rubric button.
View Uneditable Rubric
If a rubric has been used in more than one assignment, the Edit Rubric button is not available.
However, you can create a copy of a rubric and make any changes when adding a rubric to an assignment.
Edit Rubric Details
To rename a rubric, type in the Title field [1].
To edit a rubric criterion description or long description, click the criterion Edit icon [2]. You can also edit criterion ratings [3], add ratings [4], and edit points [5].
To delete a criterion from the rubric, click the criterion Delete icon [6].
You can also add new criterion [7] and outcomes [8].
To save your edits, click the Update Rubric button [9]
To remove associated outcome criteria from a rubric, click the Delete icon [10]. Outcome criteria can only be edited from the Outcomes page.
Delete Rubric
If you created a rubric in your course, you can delete the rubric. To delete a rubric, click the Delete Rubric button.
Rubrics can be deleted even if they have been used in more than one assignment.
Note: If you cannot delete a rubric, the rubric was created at the account level and aligned with an assignment in your course.
Click the OK button.
When you delete a rubric, Canvas will remove the rubric from all associated assignments in the course and remove any existing scores and assessments given using the rubric.