Download Recorded Zoom Videos & Upload to OneDrive Through Windows App
Step 1: Open up an internet browser and go to and click the Sign in button
Step 2: Sign into Zoom with your Wartburg Email Address
tep 3: Click on Recordings on the left hand side of the screen
Step 4: Scroll to find and select the recording you wish to download. Click on the ... on the right side and select download
Step 5: Click the Download button
Step 6: Click the Allow if prompted to allow downlading of multiple files
The files will be downloaded to your default Downloads folder
Step 7: Open File Explorer and open the Downloads folder
Step 8: Select all the files to copy, right click on your mouse, then select copy
Step 9: Click on One Drive on the left side of the file explorer window.
Step 10: Right click in window and go to New then Folder to create a new folder in your OneDrive
Step 11: Type in a name for the folder
Step 12: Double click on the new folder. Once in the new folder right click on the file explorer window and select Paste
Step 13: Your files should then be in the newly created One Drive Folder