Scheduling a Teams Channel Meeting


Microsoft Teams allows the creation of a Teams meeting based on channel membership without the creator needing to invite all members of the Channel to the meeting. This can be used for immediate on demand meetings or for scheduled meetings dynamically as members are added/removed from the Channel.

  1. Login to Microsoft Teams using the app or at Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Click the Teams Icon in the left bar
  3. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Select the Team and the desired Channel
  4. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click the down arrow beside the Meet button in the upper rightUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. If you select Meet now, an instant meeting with all members of the Channel will be started. All members of the Channel with notifications enabled will receive a popup message that a meeting has been scheduled and they can join.
  6. If you select Schedule a meeting, you can enter a title, select the desired date and time and add any details in the meeting description region.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. When everything is entered as desired, click the Send button in the upper right to invite everyone in the channel so they can put it on their calendars.



Article ID: 4900
Tue 5/16/23 2:45 PM
Fri 6/2/23 8:18 AM