Technology Resource Use Policy
Technology Resource use is encouraged among faculty, staff, and students at Wartburg College for purposes consistent with the stated mission of the college. Wartburg College is dedicated to challenging and nurturing students for lives of leadership and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning. ____________________________________________________________________________
Scope This policy applies to all persons or entities that have access to Wartburg College Technology Resources.
TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES - Wartburg College Technology Resources include college-owned computer systems and peripherals, local-area networks and network-attached devices, telecommunications equipment and the high-speed network connecting the campus to the Internet.
AUTHORIZED USERS - Use of Wartburg College Technology Resources is restricted to current employees and students. On a case-by-case basis, the Assistant Vice President for Information Technology Services (ITS) may grant access to individuals or groups such as alumni, family members of Wartburg employees, retirees or others. ____________________________________________________________________________
Policy Statements
Appropriate Use Wartburg Technology Resources are to be used in an ethical, responsible, courteous and fair manner for the following purposes:
- Class instruction and assignments
- Academic research and investigation
- Professional advancement
- Administrative and instructional support
- Staff and faculty consulting subject to prior written approval of the appropriate Vice President.
Inappropriate Use
Users may not engage in unauthorized or inappropriate conduct on the Internet or on Wartburg College Technology Resources. Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to:
- Using or sharing another person's login id to access Wartburg College authorized Technology Resources. This includes permitting others to use your own login id.
- Using college Technology Resources to crack or access systems for which one is not authorized.
- Using college Technology Resources to engage in illegal or criminal activities.
- Using college Technology Resources for commercial purposes, for personal financial gain or to support any groups or organizations not otherwise authorized by the College.
- Using college Technology Resources to threaten or harass another person in a manner that violates the Statement on Professional Ethics in the Faculty Handbook Section 2.4.2; the Wartburg Student Conduct System outlined in the Student Handbook; or Section 2.15 of the Staff Handbook.
- Attempting to read or access another person's electronic mail or other protected files.
- Copying or distributing software which violates copyright laws, license agreements, and intellectual property as outlined in the Copyright Law of the United States of America, in Title 17 of the United States Code Additional information is available at:
- Establishing servers and/or web pages on the campus network for external access without authorization.
- Knowingly distributing or actively developing a computer virus, worm, or Trojan Horse.
- Using excessive amounts of system resources (e.g. CPU time, disk space, or network bandwidth) thereby preventing access by other users.
- Using personal routers on the campus network.
- Using devices that create excessive radio waves or Wi-Fi traffic which could disrupt wireless networks, sound and lighting equipment, or two-way communication devices.
- Consuming excessive volumes of printing resources.
- Failing to identify yourself clearly and accurately in all electronic communications.
- Failing to use anti-virus software (so that you do not spread computer viruses or other programs that may damage or place excessive load on email or other College resources).
- Any other use that purposely causes a negative potential impact on College systems or operations or otherwise causes a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of College data or services.
Personal Use
Wartburg College permits personal use of its computing resources. However, such use must be reasonable, must conform to all policies of the College, must not interfere with a user's work or educational responsibilities, and must not disrupt the work of other users.
DMCA Compliance Policy and Notification
Wartburg College supports a climate of trust and respect and does not ordinarily monitor or screen electronic files. (College personnel who read, disseminate, or otherwise compromise the confidentiality of electronic information are subject to disciplinary action as outlined below.) Nevertheless, the College cannot assure the confidentiality or privacy of electronic files. All College information, including all email communication and other electronic files, whether stored on local drives of College-owned computers, centralized network storage, or off-site cloud storage, may be accessed for the purpose of assuring compliance with statutory requirements and internal policies. Computer files may also be subject to search under Court order. In addition, authorized computer technicians may access electronic files while exercising their responsibilities of maintaining the system. The Wartburg community is advised that all files stored on main systems, including electronic mail, are backed-up regularly and may be subject to subpoena.
Electronic Communications
All authorized users of Wartburg College computing facilities are allowed an account on the Wartburg College system which can be used for email or electronic messaging. Wartburg College permits electronic communications for personal, not-for-profit use, but such use must be lawful, must conform to College policies, and must not interfere with the employee's work or the work of other faculty, staff, and students. Wartburg email addresses must not be used to sign up for services or accounts that are not directly related to approved Wartburg College tasks or activities or to support a candidate or ballot measure or for lobbying of public officials. Electronic communications should be in support of the College’s mission and conform to the same standards of propriety and respect as any other verbal or written communication at the College.
Web Sites
The Marketing & Communication Office holds primary responsibility for authority of websites containing official college information (primarily The office works with all academic and administrative units to create web pages that carry out the college’s mission. Information Technology Services provides web application support and server environments for learning management/campus intranets ( and
Violation of this policy constitutes Technology Resource abuse and the Wartburg Student Conduct System will govern disciplinary actions for students. Technology abuse by employees of Wartburg College may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment governed by the Wartburg College Faculty Handbook and the Staff Handbook. Violations of this policy are to be referred to the Assistant Vice President for ITS or designee.
Revision History
ITS Review completed Nov 27, 2019
VP EM Review completed Dec 2,2019
External Review completed Dec 9, 2019
Final Revision Edited Dec 17, 2019
Cabinet Approved January 13, 2020
ITS Updates Aug 3, 2021
VP Finance Review completed Aug 6, 2021
Cabinet Approval Aug 30, 2021
ITS Updates February 23,2023
Cabinet Review February 28, 2023